What we offer

The combination of the importation of basic equipment from our company EUROMARKET LTD, which exclusively represents the best known equipment manufacturing firms, together with the construction of all special equipment from Euro Construction Company S.A, ensures our capacity to provide very competitive solutions.
Thanks to our high technical knowledge, the experience of our scientific personnel as well as our capability for small scale pilot plants, we are able to provide unique, flexible, custom made and competitive solutions, to all your environmental protection needs.
Our primary target is to meet the required treatment results with the minimum possible running costs, complemented by the simplicity of the operation.
Our great experience in the design and construction of the project, is a guarantee for our successful and trouble-free projects.
Our scientific personnel cover all the necessary specialities while our skilled and experienced Technicians always work under the supervision of our Engineers.
The continue investment in new technologies as well as the use of the information taken from our existing plants, are the keys of our successful applications.


Field of activity

Our main field of activities is focused on the design, construction and installation of: